Ta teden pa se je res dogajalo. Na novem laserju smo testirali nastavitve za rezanje pleksija, eden od uporabnikov je s CNC-jem rezal zanimive obešalnike, drugi je na 3D tiskalniku ustvarjal modele jermenic za zobati jermen, sam postopek tiskanja pa dokumentiral s super hitrim fotoaparatom. Na CNC-ju smo iz aluminija izrezali tudi mizico za novi Troublemaker v2. Pridi tudi ti ustvarjat k nam.
This week was very eventful in our Lab. We tested our new laser and determined the correct specs for cutting Plexiglas, one of the makers created interesting clothes hangers on our CNC-mill, another one created 3D printed models of GT2 pulleys on our Troublemakers. He documented the process of printing with a super-fast camera. We also used our CNC-mill to cut an aluminium bed for a new Troublemaker v2. Come and create something in our Lab.